• 1917
    The Krewe of Iris was Founded in 1917 by Aminthe Marie Laudumiey
     Nungesser (1899-1972)

    She was only 18 years old when she began to gather female friends and neighbors into social events that would one day grow into the Krewe of Iris. February 8, 1922 following World War I, was the Krewe of Iris debut Ball at the Athenaeum. There was a Grand March, jazz music, and favors. The theme was, “The Goddess of the Rainbow”. The Ball was by all accounts at the time a success and immediately proclaimed as an annual event. Throughout the 20’s the Krewe of Iris annual Balls were known for their creative theme, elaborate costumes, and entertaining tableau. In 1929 the stock market crash affected all of Carnival including Iris, as families had to cut back and the funds simply were not there, so the 1930 Ball was canceled. 1938 would turn out to be Krewe of Iris’s revival year, with a grand Ball on February 4, 1938, themed “Pages From Our Story Book”.

  • By 1953
    Captain Irma Brechtel Mellaney had grown membership to 109 members

    In 1952, Aminthe was Captain of both the Krewes of Iris and Venus. Knowing that both Krewes needed attention in order to survive, she gifted the Krewe of Iris to a new Captain, Irma Brechtel Mellaney. At the time, which was closely following WWII, interest and awareness had declined. A mere 50 women attended Irma’s first meeting that year. However, by the Ball of 1953, themed “Latin American Holiday”, that number had already grown to 109 members, a clear indication that the passing of the captain role was the best decision for the Krewe.  

  • In 1959 the Krewe became the third ever all-female Krewe to roll into Downtown New Orleans.

    The next major milestone in Iris’s history came in 1959 when the Krewe became the third ever all-female Krewe to roll into Downtown New Orleans. The theme was, “Say It With Music” and there were 150 riders. Over the next 33 years under Ms. Irma’s leadership as Captain, the Krewe, the Ball, and Parade all grew and thrived.  On January 25 1985, under the theme of “A Toast to the Joys of Living”, Ms. Irma handed the plumed fan of the Captain of Iris to her niece, Joy Oswald. Ms. Irma transitioned to Captain Emeritus, and on the following Iris parade day February 16, 1985, the New Orleans City Council proclaimed the day Irma Strode Day, they also named her “Captain Emeritus” of the entire Carnival season. 

  • 1986
    The krews captain “Mama Joy” lead a krewe of 600 members who rode on 27 floats

    Joy Oswald’s first theme as Captain was “America, the Beautiful”, and the Ball honored the people, places, and things that made this country beautiful. Including Valentine's Day, which was elegantly represented by then Maid Doris Bruno. Joy’s dress was a hoop skirt covered in white rhinestones that glimmered all night. 600 members rode on 27 floats in the Iris parade 1986. Over the following years, the krewe’s third Captain affectionately referred to as “Mama Joy” continued the legacy of fun themes, elegant royalty, and beautiful parades. By 2002 the Krewe had grown to 900 members and 32 floats. 


    Mardi Gras After Hurricane Katrina

    Leading up to the 2006 Mardi Gras there was a question if carnival would and should move forward, the city was still physically and emotionally reeling from the effects of Hurricane Katrina. Though many dens and floats were damaged across the city, some were spared, Iris being one with only minor damage.  After much consideration across the city, it was decided that New Orleans needed something to bring joy back to the city. There was not a dry eye in the crowd or on the floats that year. 

  • Captain Kristin brought a young and new energy.

    In 2011 the fan passed one more time to the Krewe's fourth and current Captain. The Ball that year had everyone on their toes in anticipation.  It was known throughout the community that Joy was retiring, but only the officers knew who Joy had selected as her successor. It was a great scene when the curtain opened to reveal Joy's granddaughter, Kristin Danflous. Captain Kristin brought a young and new energy, and though the 2011 parade was a very wet one, as she had been talked out of moving the parade. It was also the perfect storm that gave her the confidence to trust her own judgement moving forward. Leading up to the 2012 ride and out of a call to the members for signature throw ideas the Iris Sunglasses that are now our most treasured catch were born! In 2014 under the theme “Iris Rocks” with current Officer Pamela Pickett reigned as Queen, the Krewe hit a new milestone when membership exceeded 1000 members. 2016 the Krewe Ball moved to where it is presently held annually to this day at the New Orleans Hilton Riverside.

  • The Krews Membership exceeded 1000 members.

    In 2014 under the theme “Iris Rocks” with current Officer Pamela Pickett reigned as Queen, the Krewe hit a new milestone when membership exceeded 1000 members. 2016 the Krewe Ball moved to where it is presently held annually to this day at the New Orleans Hilton Riverside.

  • 2017 the Krewe celebrates its 100th birthday.

    2017 was the Krewe of Iris Centennial Celebration, only three other existing Carnival parade krewes have made it to this special 100th birthday. In 2019 Captain Kristin made the bold decision to move to a new float-builder which allowed for a dramatic expansion of per float capacity. She believed that there were women waiting to join the Krewe of Iris, if she could just make the space for them. She was right! With the increased capacity the membership significantly increased to its current 3600 members. 

  • The Krewe completes construction on their float den.

    Following the 2020 Krewe of Iris ride as all the world knows the global pandemic changed, not only New Orleans but the global landscape. However even with the cancellation of the 2021 carnival season the Captain and new Officer team were still at work and the Krewe of Iris was able to continue construction and close on their own Den, which now houses their 34 floats (71 individual units). The grand opening scheduled for September 13th, 2021 was delayed due to Hurricane Ida but the Krewe was able to quickly repurpose the day into a food and diaper drive. The first Be the Rainbow event brought in 8,929 diaper items and enough food for 1700 meals for those affected by this storm. On October 11, 2021, the new Dens were finally celebrated in a small, due to Covid restrictions, ribbon cutting, and second line with Captain, Officers, and Line Lieutenants in attendance. 

  • The return of Carnival

    As the world began to open up, the hopes for the return of Carnival were on all Iris members' minds as the membership held strong at 3400. It was with both enthusiasm and relief that Captain Kristin was able to announce Iris will have a Gala! Iris will have a Ball! and Iris will ROLL!  After two years of anticipation, Queen Mary Alford led her splendid Court to the theme of “Iris is on a Roll” back to the Grand Ballroom. Once again the sun shined on the Avenue on Iris Saturday in front of one of the biggest most joyous crowds ever seen, 2022 was a comeback year that will not soon be forgotten!